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Projects in application

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction

Euro-TC or European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction is a network of professional addiction treatment centres covering 31 members in 13 European countries. The office is based in Vienna, Austria.


The network provides exchange of knowledge on the level of professionals as well as clients. It aims for steady progress in optimizing treatment programs towards the needs of the target group. Mutual exchange of best practice and sharing of knowledge is provided through meetings and conferences, common therapeutic, creative and sport activities, training and staff exchange.


There are cooperations within and outside Europe as well. At the moment Euro-TC directly is partner in two EU-funded international projects (FENIQS-EU, Strengthening social support for homeless drug users in Iran). Additionally there is a further involvement through its members in even more international projects. Of course the association engages as well in charitable activities.


Euro-TC is member of other networks and consultative bodies as the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (Consultative Body to the European Commission), the Vienna NGO Forum on Narcotic Drugs (Consultative Body to UNODC), ICAA – International Council on Alcohol and Addiction and in close cooperation with IREFREA and the newly created ECO network in Asia.

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction, 2022

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