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events 2010-2015

a summary of past events

04/05 September Berlin, Germany

International Seminar "Success in Drug Treatment in Europe"





04/05 September Berlin, Germany

General Assembly

Euro-TC Board Dr. Thomas Legl, Christian Heise and Bernardica Juretic with honorary president Paolo Stocco and office manager Hannah Ertl

05/06 June 2015 in Venice, Italy

Meeting of Board of Directors

13/14 February in Coimbra, Portugal

Mother Child Seminar

organised by ANA JOVEM

Local drug coordinator Almeida presenting

Local coordinators from member organization Ana Jovem with the Euro - TC board

13 Februar in Coimbra, Portugal

Meeting of Board of Directors

07/08 December in Mestre, Italy

Theatre Therapy Seminar

29/30 November in Berlin, Germany

Mother-Children and Traume Therapy Seminar

It was organised by Euro-TC member Tannenhof berlin. An interesting 2-day seminar successfully reached the goal of imparting knowledge and presenting the different approaches in treatment. 

The seminar program can be found here:

October 2012 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Euro-TC Conference



Soccer Without Drugs Cup 2012

For more information please click here


Dear friends!

The International Soccer Without Drugs Cup and Youth Forum is one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of EURO TC- European Treatment Centres for Drug Addiction.

Through means of sports the message of a healthy lifestyle and the success in overcoming addiction is spread all over Europe and is connecting our members in a demonstration of their valuable work. Mutual sharing of the benefits of therapy, presentation to the outside and providing added value to the Action Plan on Drugs of the European Commission is the target which we reach through these events.

Euro-TC highly welcomes the extremely appreciated efforts of the colleagues from the Ukraine and the Ukraine local Euro-Tc office in organising the International Soccer Cup 2012. A dedication more than usual made this meeting possible despite of lack of financial means.

The board of Euro -TC sends its very best wishes to the organiser. Our honorary Vice President and founder of the International Soccer Without Drugs Cup, Horst Brömer, is attending the meeting representing Euro-TC. For decades he has been dedicated to our goals and the board is more than happy to be represented by  him.

We wish you a successful, exhilarating and above all a fair tournament resulting in new and strengthening of old relations, friendships and cooperation.


Thomas Legl, Euro-TC President

09/10 December in Reichenau an der Rax, Austria

Euro-TC Theatre Therapy Seminar "Dark Desire".

Click here to see the report about the theatre therapy seminar:

24/25 November in Venice, Italy

Euro-TC Seminar on "Mother & Children", organized in cooperation with Euro-TC member Villa Renata.

here four can read the seminar report:

29 September - 01 October in Coimbra, Portugal

Euro-TC & Irefrea Conference 

Civil Society & Drug Policies; Impact on Research, Prevention and Treatment

Here you will find the report about the conference in Coimbra.

29 June - 01 July in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina

Family Constellation Seminar given by Horst Brömer (announcement in German and Croatian)

04/09 July in Guadalajara, Spain

Soccer without Drugs Cup 

hosted by Proyecto Hombre Guadalajara, Castilla La Mancha

The successful event which took place for the 14th time.

07 April in Lviv, Ukraine

Meeting of the board of directors

Opening of local Euro-TC office in Lviv, Ukraine:

Euro-TC honorary board member Horst Brömer & Euro-TC contact person for Eastern Euroepan countries Jui Sloboda (both Tannenhof Berlin) represented Euro-TC at the official opening ceremony of the local regional office in Ukraine


From the left: Horst Brömer, Jerzy Brozhyna, Juri Sloboda, Evgeniy Soshnikov

For a detailed account of the opening ceremony as well as the following training seminar please download this:



Announcement in RussianGerman, and English.

09/10 December in Berlin, Germany

Conference "Learning from each other-Integration through Cooperation"

For a summary and a detailed conference report of the euro-TC's Members Assembly, which was held within the frame of the conference in Berlin, see the following links: 


26/27 November in Reichenau an der Rax, Austria

Theater Therapy Seminar:  

For the fifth time euro-TC organized an International Theater Therapy Seminar. Euro-TC member facility Knappenhof is located. This beautiful ambience, surrounded by mountains and nature provided the perfect background to an intense and successful Therapy Seminar.

Groups from 5 Euro-TC members from 4 different countries took part: 

Tannenhof Berlin Brandenburg e.V. – Germany, CEIS Mestre – Italy, Villa Renata – Italy, Leo Amici – Hungary and Knappenhof – Austria

After a first get-together on the evening after everyone had safely arrived the trainers were introduced to the groups.

Early the next morning, the groups were formed and the work was started right away. Given the umbrella term of “shadow work” as a guideline, all trainers developed their own little pieces in which the shadows played a more or less leading role. Shadows should be viewed in regard to the famous swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who circumscribed shadows as follows:

"Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore. The Shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be a pathway to healing and an authentic life. We meet our dark side, accept it for what it is, and we learn to use its powerful energies in productive ways. The Shadow knows why good people sometimes do "bad" things. Romancing the Shadow and learning to read the messages it encodes in daily life can deepen your consciousness, imagination, and soul." Each of the trainers had a different approach of implementing the shadows in the short pieces of drama. At the end of the second workshop day all groups took part in the final performance at Schloß Wartholz, which was open to the public. Famous Austrian Kammerschauspielerin Maresa Hörbiger hosted the introduction and welcome by presenting several short written pieces on the relation of theater and therapy. Some of the treatment facilities work with theater on a regular basis with their patients, and thus had already prepared pieces of drama with them. At the final show altogether 7 pieces were presented:

One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest by Tannenhof Berlin Brandenburg e.V.
Workshop group of Timea Kiss, Workshop Group of Giuliano Morasco, Workshop Group of Maria Wechselberger, Ragnatella by Villa Renata, Victory by Leo Amici, Workshop Group of Oliver Pernhaupt


The whole event was a real success, patients were surprised about newly discovered abilities and proud of themselves. The audience was highly entertained and touched by the amazing skills of the amateur actors.

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction

Euro-TC or European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction is a network of professional addiction treatment centres covering 31 members in 13 European countries. The office is based in Vienna, Austria.

The network provides exchange of knowledge on the level of professionals as well as clients. It aims for steady progress in optimizing treatment programs towards the needs of the target group. Mutual exchange of best practice and sharing of knowledge is provided through meetings and conferences, common therapeutic, creative and sport activities, training and staff exchange.


There are cooperations within and outside Europe as well. At the moment Euro-TC directly is partner in two EU-funded international projects (FENIQS-EU, Strengthening social support for homeless drug users in Iran). Additionally there is a further involvement through its members in even more international projects. Of course the association engages as well in charitable activities.

Euro-TC is member of other networks and consultative bodies as the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (Consultative Body to the European Commission), the Vienna NGO Forum on Narcotic Drugs (Consultative Body to UNODC), ICAA – International Council on Alcohol and Addiction and in close cooperation with IREFREA and the newly created ECO network in Asia.

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction, 2022

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